Who are the people of St John?
They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
They believe passionately in serving humanity.
And, helping people when no one else can.
They are educators. They are advocators.
They are saving lives and teaching people how to prevent injury or sickness.

The men & women of St John
They are guided by an unyielding sense of duty
the pursuit for excellence in care; by passion and
undiscriminating dedication.
They see no borders or barriers in bringing care to the suffering and those in distress.
They tear down walls and challenge ideas as they perform our purpose.
They may often face physical danger to serve people without fear or favor.
Our commitment to the community
Tens of thousands of people fall ill or get badly injured each year. For thousands, they are so ill or injured that they need an ambulance. They must be stabilized at the scene and given immediate care on the way to hospital; it’s the only way they will survive.
This is true for the 2,000 women that will die this year as a result of their pregnancy. This is true for the 3 babies that die every hour in our country. That is why St John is committed to making a difference. Our trusted ambulance service is that difference.
Successive Health Ministers have called for a national approach to ambulance services. That is why we have done a lot of work to put research, design and promote sustainable systems to centralize the coordination of ambulances and set a standard accreditation framework for all regional and district ambulances.
We are committed – with support and funding from the National Department of Health – to work with each PHA to rollout a national ambulance accreditation and coordination system.
We’ve had outstanding support over the years.
Sponsors make a tangible difference to improving people’s access and education about ambulance and first aid. They include the Sir Brian Bell Foundation, the Australian and NZ Governments, Digicel Group, NGCB, Trakpro, Moore Printing. But we need a little more help to get there.
It’s well known that first aid can help someone survive initial injury or bring them back to life. And, for a lot of people in rural areas, we know that ambulances can’t reach them quickly, if at all in many cases.
That is why we are also committed to making first aid a part of everyone’s life. Teaching first aid to business and industry, but also to communities, at schools and directly to people in rural areas through our Komuniti & First Aid in Schools programs.